Invest in European Georgia
Worth to watch! |
Invest in Georgia - National Investment Agency
Inputting of foreign investments into Georgia and creating of new job sites lasts. The combination of dynamic economic growth, pro-business legislation, a liberal tax code, a strong legal framework to protect investors and an educated and skilled workforce presents a solid platform for successful business in Georgia. |
Doing Business in Georgia
CATBIG is the UK network for business in Georgia as well as other countries in the region. |
The Caucasus Research Resource Centers
The Caucasus Research Resource Centers program (CRRC) is a network of resource, research and training centers established in 2003 in the capital cities of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia with the goal of strengthening social science research and public policy analysis in the South Caucasus.
Georgia: Trump Takes on Tbilisi Real Estate Market
On September 22 2011, American property developer Donald Trump signed a letter of intent with the Silk Road Group, a multinational development company founded by Georgians, covering the construction of a residential building in Tbilisi. |
U.S. Business Tycoon Trump Plans Investments In Georgia
A Georgian-based international company says U.S. businessman Donald Trump is planning to invest in Georgia. Trump reportedly discussed the possibility of investing in Georgia in April during a meeting with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili in New York City, where the Trump Organization is headquartered. |
Economy Rankings - Georgia in 12th place
Georgian officials are used to praise for their management of the economy: the World Bank’s "Ease of Doing Business" league table puts Georgia in 12th place. |
BBC World Service 01/03/11 (1) - Georgia's Call for South African farmers
To revive its agricultural industry, the Georgian government is inviting groups of white South African farmers to settle and farm there - but not everyone thinks it is such a good idea, reports the BBC's Caucasus correspondent Damien McGuinness. |
BBC World Service 28/02/11 (2) - Following South African farmers to Georgia
BBC Caucasus Correspondent Damien McGuinness recalls a personal experience of Georgian hospitality when his team got caught in a snow storm while reporting on a controversial land sale scheme. |
Teach English in the Republic of Georgia with Greenheart Travel
Teaching English in the Republic of Georgia with Greenheart Travel is a unique opportunity that allows you to make a difference in the lives and futures of Georgian children. You will work as a volunteer English-language assistant in a Georgian public school with contracts lasting one or two semesters. Live with a host family, immerse yourself in the language and experience one of the oldest and most beautiful countries in the world while getting paid to teach abroad. For more information visit |
Natakhtari Limonade
An infomercial for Natakhtari Lemonade (a Georgian soda company) that describes everything about the company: from the water source to bottling and advertising. |
South African Farmer Piet Kemp is moving to Georgia -
Afrikaner Farmers Migrating to Georgia
A South African court earlier this week convicted Julius Malema, president of the African National Congress Youth League, of hate speech for singing "shoot the Boer, kill the Boer" at a rally last year. But some Boers, or white South African farmers, say they have had enough of violence and racial tension in South Africa and are planning to move out. |
SA farmers in Georgia - CNN
Georgian Agriculture Part 1
In-depth reporting on cost efficiency and marketing of the Georgian agricultural sector. |
Georgian Agriculture Part 2
Georgian Agriculture Part 3
BBC News Indian farmers look to reap profits on Georgian land - 3 Apr 2013
The Georgian government has been encouraging Indian farmers to move to their country and use their farming skills to increase agricultural output. |
30.07.14. Russia Plans to Suspend Free Trade Treaty with Georgia/
Russian government plans to adopt a decree suspending bilateral free trade agreement with Georgia signed twenty years ago. The move comes after Georgia signed late last month deep and comprehensive free trade agreement with the EU; provisional application of large part of this treaty, which is part of the Association Agreement, will start from September 1. |
Investment Climate (Georgia): 2013
The Country Commercial Guide ( presents a comprehensive look at Georgia’s commercial environment, using economic, political, and market analysis. This report, prepared by the staff of the U.S. Embassy, gives American companies seeking to do business with Georgia the background they need to enter the market confidently, and navigate the complexities of exporting to a country with a different history, culture, and legal system than the U.S. |
Caucasus Business Week
Tbilinomics - Blog
The Unbearable Lightness of Doing Business in Georgia |
Investing in Tbilisi, Georgia Real Estate: the Ultimate Guide
Andrew Henderson: "I recommend investing in Georgia real estate to just about anyone". |