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An application to join the Bristol Tbilisi Association or renew your existing membership is either through the online form (on left side) or downloadable Membership/Renewal Form 

If you use the downloadable Membership form please also download the additional Standing Order Form  (which will simplify administration for BTA and for you!)

The subscription year runs from 1st January to 31st December. Subscriptions of new members who join after 1st November will run through to 31st December of the following year.

Members whose residential address given is more than 100 miles from Bristol may claim a 50% discount on the above rates and those whose residential address is outside the UK may claim a 100% discount (this applies to persons, not organisations).

By becoming a member of BTA:

  1. You entitled to attend and vote at our AGM
  2. You will be added to our members mailing list and receive information on all BTA activities/events and other Georgian-related new
  3. You will join our team and enjoy Georgian wine and fabulous Georgian food which accompanied almost all our meetings.

Membership Information

if applicable
if applicable

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