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HomeBTA Activities2023 BTA AGM and talk by Tony Anderson

November 2023

by Esther Keller Pickup 

2023 11 23 3

Following the AGM, which was quite short and which was chaired by the Lord Mayor of Bristol there was a talk by the well known writer, Tony Anderson. This year Tony has chosen the following title of his talk, “ British travellers to Georgia and the Great Game"

Tony has been a regular visitor to Georgia since the early '90s and in the summer of 1998 set out to walk through the mountain areas of Georgia, which resulted in him writing his book, “Bread and Ashes”. Tony is one of the founders of the British Georgian Society and has led many Groups through Georgia. More recently Tony has been researching a much bigger book on Georgia and has shared with us in past presentations some of his stories.  


If you are interested in Tony's book Bread and Ashes, it is available on Amazon.co.uk via the link on BTA website: 


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