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HomeBTA Activities2022 BTA AGM followed by Derek Pickup's talk about the recent BTA trip to Tbilisi.

November 2022

by Nina Bendukidze and Derek Pickup

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Annual General Meeting started at 6:00 pm on Thursday 24 November at Bristol Council House. It was the first offline BTA meeting since COVID-19 restrictions. The BTA secretary Esther Keller-Pickup managed to connect BTA executive committee member Nina Bendukidze who was in Prague by Zoom. This technology may allow BTA members to attend BTA events remotely and expand opportunities for BTA members if for some reason they cannot come to AGM meetings. 

Please find The BTA chairman's annual report here 

The meeting was followed by Derek Pickup's talk about the BTA trip in Tbilisi in September 2022. See also Bristol Tbilisi Association - Tbilisi Twinning Visit October 2022

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