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HomeBTA ActivitiesMembers of the BTA travelled to Birmingham to attend a piano concerto at the Birmingham Conservatoire

November 2023

Esther Keller-Pickup 

Renowned pianist Peter Donohoe, hailed for his commanding technique, joined rising star Salomé Chitaia, recent winner of the Anthony Cross Memorial Prize for a night of dazzling piano perfection. 

Salomé was borne in Tbilisi, her parents are great friends of the BTA and have supported BTA visits to Tbilisi. Salomé performed at our annual Supra last year in 2022, when we celebrated the 35th anniversary of the twinning arrangement between Bristol and Tbilisi. She is studying for her PhD in Birmingham at the moment. 

Sophiko Katsarava, the Georgian Ambassador also attended the concerto.

thumbnail Salome Chitaia with friends and BTA membersSalome Chitaia with Peter














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