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HomeBTA Activities

Meeting with a new Ambassador of Georgia to the UK in Bristol

October 2020

by Alix Hughes

The Mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees, BITA and BTA members meet a new Ambassador of Georgia to the UK Sophie Katsarava,  MBE and her team in Bristol

Ambassador Katsarava and Mayor Rees 1Ambassador K with Lana Achelashvili Chevening scholar at Univ Bristol in front of Brunel House student residence webAmbassador K meeting Richard Warren Encounters Film Festival director Richard Jones Bristol Festival of Literature director with Ana Nozadze Cultural attache at the Georgian Embassy in London webAmbassador Katsarava with Jon Finch head of culture including museums at Bristol City Council webAmbassador K with Mayor Rees in front of the Georgian flag at city hall webAmbassador Katsarava and Mayor Rees 2












123057244 3755234307849788 1700180454429639020 n1Ambassador S. Katsarava, Mayor of Bristol M. Rees and Alix Hughes, BITA officerAmbassador Katsarava and Mayor Rees 5 














Bristol Festival of Literature hosted three of Georgia’s leading writers.

October 2020

by Nina Bendukidze and Alix Hughes

Georgia is the first country partner of the Bristol Festival of Literature.  Georgia Calling was focused on literature in the post-Soviet era. These were peculiar times for Georgia in general and for Georgian literature in particular. The economy collapsed and publishing was utterly impossible. Yet new translations somehow began to appear of authors who were unavailable in Soviet times. It was as if Georgian literature was trying to catch up with everything it had missed in the previous 70 years.

Richard Jones from Tangent Books has explored Georgia’s fascinating literary landscape with three guests before opening the event to questions…

Free Zoom event on Saturday Oct 24 at 6pm

2020 10 24 2

Richard JonesPublisher, Tangent Books 5.16 Paintworks, Bristol BS4 3EH, Bristol Festival of Literature organiser
Davit Gabunia is a Georgian translator, award-winning playwright, and author. His debut novel, Falling Apart, was published i2017 and became a best-seller in Georgia. It has since been translated into German. Inside Georgia, Gabunia is also known for having translated the Harry Potter series of novels, as well as for being an outspoken pro-Europeanist.
Aka Morchiladze is the pen name of Giorgi Akhvlediani, a Georgian writer and literary historian who is one of the key figures in the birth of new Georgian literature and who has written some of the best-selling prose in the post-Soviet era. Morchiladze's work is rooted in the re-orientation of early 21st-century Georgian literature towards Western influences.
Eka Kevanishvili is a poet and journalist with a particular interest in internal politics, social and healthcare issues and human rights. Eka has written six books – four poetry collections, one volume of short stories plus a collection of essays and interviews.
The fascinating and inspiring Georgia Calling event has been recorded: the password needs typing in rather than cut and paste but try both


Passcode:   Ys21Z&*$

Take a look at the recording of the event on the Tangent Books podcast on YouTube 022 pointer 512 Georgia Calling - YouTube




Georgian Studies Day 2020 online

October 2020

Please register and watch the video of the Georgian Study Day 2020 meeting online. 



Please click HERE to read the BTA chairman Derek Pickup's presentation to this years Georgian Studies Day on the 8th October 




BTA members met the Georgian Ambassador to the United Kingdom Tamar Beruchashvili

February 2020

by Derek Pickup

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2019 Georgian Supra

July  2019

by Esther Keller-Pickup 

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Nice to see all of those who came to the Supra recently. I think all, who attended will agree the evening was a big success.
Our caterers, Mangal Catering (https://www.mangalcatering.co.uk/), did us proud. It was the first time they cooked Geogian food and according to one of the Georgian guests, they nailed it!
Special thanks to The Lord Lieutenant of Bristol, Mrs Peaches Golding OBE and The Lord Mayor of Bristol Cllr Jos Clark, who were guests of Honour.
Also BIG THANKS to Borjghali, the Bristol Georgian Choir, who under the direction of Anthony Johnston, provided musical entertainment throughout the evening.
At this we event we announced our intention to organise a trip to Georgia 'Off the Beaten Track' for October 2020. More information about this trip will follow in due course.  


BTA presented more books to Bristol Central Library

January 2019

by Bruce Allan 

The BTA has donated over £500 GBP worth of new books about Tbilisi and Georgia to the Bristol Central Library.  P1250199 1

There are 32 titles (34 books in total including two titles in two volumes). The books include: Novels, Art, Poetry, Food, wine and travel, History, as well as Classics of British writing about Georgia and the Caucasus region. BTA supporter and artist Bruce Allan has sourced the books with support and suggestions from local author and Georgia expert Tony Anderson.

Please click here to find a list of new books. For books donated in previous years please click here.

The Bristol Central Library now holds more than seventy books on many aspects of Georgia and the Caucasus thanks to Bruce and the BTA.  Please click here the list of the books presented to Bristol Central Library over the past few years.


Thanks to Deputy Mayor Asher Craig, Robert Harrison at the library and everyone who came to the handover on the 25th Jan.

Bruce said: "Finding books for the library reflects my love of Georgia and Georgian friends. It has been a pleasure to help the BTA establish the collection as a public resource. The books celebrate 30 years of city twinning established by Paul Garland in 1988. Without the link I may never have discovered Georgia. Gaumajos! " 

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Photos of the trip to Georgia in October 2018 celebrating the BTA 30th anniversary coming soon...

October 2018

Photos of the trip to Georgia in October 2018 celebrating the BTA 30th anniversary coming soon...




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