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HomeBTA Activities

Tbilisi-based British author Katie Ruth Davies's Talk

March 2018

by Esther Keller-Pickup

Venue: The City Hall, Lord Mayor's reception Room

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In celebration of 30 years of the Bristol-Tbilisi Twinning Agreement, Tbilisi-based British author Katie Ruth Davies made a special visit to Bristol to talk about what life is like in Bristol's Twin City, Tbilisi. 

Katie, who has lived in Tbilisi for 11 years, talked about her life in Georgia and explored the magic and unique wonders that keep her there. She talked about how the capital city and its people have changed in her time there and gave her outlook for the future. She also was touching briefly on her young adult urban fantasy books and her growing following of fans, introducing to attendees her latest saga set in Tbilisi: Dark Wings. 



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February 2018

by Nina Bendukidze

Saturday, 17th February 2018, Georgian Banquet (Supra) in Bristol, UK. The first big event celebrating 30th Anniversary of the Bristol Tbilisi Association this year. More than 130 people attended. Dr. Razvan Constantinescu, the Honorary Consul of Romania in Bristol, Her Majesty’s Lieutenant in the County of Bristol Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, HE The Georgian Ambassador to the UK Mrs Tamar Beruchashvili, and The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of Bristol Cllr Lesley Alexander also attended the supra. The Supra was accompanied by the Bristol Georgian Choir's amazing performance. This year we've had a very diversified menu thanks to BTA executive committee members Esther Keller-Pickup and Nina Bendukidze.  Georgian white and red wine was donated by BTA chairman Derek Pickup. It was absolutely fabulous evening with a lot of toasts, jokes and mind-blowing music. 

ქართული სუფრა შაბათს, 17 თებერვალს ქალაქ ბრისტოლში. 130 სტუმარი დაესწრო. 2018 წელს ჩვენ ზეიმობთ ბრისტოლ-თბილისის ასოციაციის შექმნის და ჩვენი ქალაქების ძმობის 30-წლისთავს.

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2018 - The Honorary Consulate of Georgia opened in Bristol

February 2018 

by Nina Bendukidze

The Honorary Consulate of Georgia in Bristol was officially opened on 18th February 2018 by HE the Georgian Ambassador in UK Tamar Beruchashvili and the The Right Honourable Lord Mayor of Bristol Councillor Lesley Alexander. 

Congratulations to the first Honorary Consul of Georgia in UK

Alderman Derek Pickup! 


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CARDIFF 18th November - Rugby: Wales v Georgia

November 2017

Wales beat a dogged Georgia 13-6 at the Principality Stadium in Cardiff in the very first meeting of the two sides. Hallam Amos scored the only try of the match in the first half for Wales. Georgia threatened to score a late try, but a nervous Wales held on for victory. Date: Saturday 18th November 2017. Attendance: 55,310.

Well done Derek and Esther!!!

Derek in Cardiff Rugby Esther in Cardiff 18 Nov. RugbyMedea Niles

















Dr. Love returns to Bristol

July 2017

by Nina Bendukidze and Alix Hughes

Europe’s largest & FREE street art and graffiti festival, Upfest, has announced its return to Bristol on 29th – 31st July 2017, bringing Europe’s largest live arts festival to the streets for a ninth year. The 2016 edition saw a record-breaking 300 artists from over 40 countries attend, painting super-sized street murals, shop front shutters and boards in more than 30 venues and locations all over Bedminster, Bristol.

Georgian street art artist Bacha whose artistic name is Dr. Love took part in the festival last year. He was very successful and was invited to take part in the UPFest 2017 as well. Dr Love on his second visit to UPFest produced an amazing and intricate stencilled mural which is behind the Tobacco Factory. Hundreds took photos of his piece and were fascinated by the detail. Dr Love has been invited by the Mayor of Tbilisi to paint a second version of this piece in Tbilisi in the autumn. The other Georgian highlight of the festival was the appearance of Tbilisi band Moku Moku on the Tobacco Factory stage. Despite initial technical problems and the longest sound check on record, the band hit their groove early into the one hour set with the crowd moving to a familiar sound of trip hop Georgian style. The festival attracted 330 invited artists and over 30,000 people attended the event in Bedminster over the three days 29-31 July.

Bacha July 2017Bachas work 2017














November 2016

by Alix Hughes and Nina Bendukidze

Delegates from the BTA attended the annual conference on Georgia in London on 3rd of November 2016. For programme, click here

The theme of the day was Healthcare in Georgia and topics ranged from the excellent progress made on eradicating Hepatitus C to the use of bacterio phages in treating a range of illnesses.

Ambassador Beruchashvili outlined how the country's Universal Healthcare system now covers 90% of the population with a basic health package.

Georgian Study Day 3rd November Georgian Study Day 3rd November 3 IMG 3032 web
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2016 Georgian Supra in Bristol

October 2016

Please click here to see the SUPRA invitation.

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